Thriller, Horror Movie
Cast and Crew
Open: November 26, 2009
Cast: Renée Zellweger, Jodelle Ferland, Ian McShane, Kerry O'Malley, Callum Keith Rennie, Bradley Cooper, Adrian Lester, Georgia Craig, Cynthia Stevenson, Tiffany Lyndall-Knight
Writer: Ray Wright,
Producer: Steve Golin,
Director: Christian Alvart
Genre: Thriller, Horror
A social worker (Zellweger) fights to save a girl from her abusive parents, only to discover that the situation is more dangerous than she ever expected.
"Case 39" centers on an idealistic social worker who saves an abused 10-year-old girl from her parents only to discover that the girl is not as innocent as she thinks.Watch online Movie Trailer free Case 39 English Hollywood film.The film Directed by :Christian Alvart .
Case 39 Movie Synopsis :
Case 39 is an upcoming 2009 American horror film directed by Christian Alvart and starring Academy Award winner Renée Zellweger and young Canadian actress Jodelle Ferland. The film was shot in Vancouver in late 2006, and was scheduled to be released in August 2008, but it was pushed back to April 10, 2009. It is scheduled to be distributed by Paramount Pictures.

Case 39 Hollywood Movie Review :
Directed by German up-and-comer Christian Alvart, who first attracted attention with his serial-murder saga Antibodies and subsequently helmed this fall’s sci-fi chiller Pandorum, from a script by Pulse’s Ray Wright, Case 39 stars Oscar-winner Renee Zellweger, Deadwood’s Ian McShane and ubiquitous young actress Jodelle Ferland. After numerous delays (and release in numerous other international territories this winter), the film will open in U.
A couple of weeks back we learned that Renee Zellweger would be returning to the horror genre with a new film, Case 39. Today, Variety is reporting that German helmer Christian Alvart will be in charge of Paramount Pictures Case 39.
Christian Alvart vies between shocks that come on a psychological level and more visceral appearances. One of the most effective scenes is where child psychologist Bradley Cooper is interviewing Jodelle Ferland and she suddenly turns his words around and starts interviewing him. The disturbingly knowing intelligence that Ferland suddenly shows proves decidedly unsettling. Indeed this scene, which only consists of an exchange over a table, has far more spooky effectiveness than the more visceral subsequent scene where Bradley Cooper is overrun by a swarm of wasps in his bathroom. Christian Alvart also conducts some well worthwhile scenes with Renee Zellweger flipping between reality and illusion – imagining she is in a suddenly plummeting elevator, before the door calmly opens like nothing has happened; or a scene where her supervisor (Adrian Lester) hands her a phone and then starts to be attacked, before an abrupt pullback to show she is alone in a darkened office with no more than an empty chair spookily turning on its own at a nearby cubicle.
One of the most effective scenes is where Renee Zellweger locks herself in her room, screwing the door shut and hiding under the bed as something starts battering at the door, smashing it off its hinges and then casually tossing aside the heavy furniture she has barricaded up against it, before Jodelle Ferland’s sweet, innocently smiling face pops under the bed and asks her what she is doing there. These scenes work well on a psychological level that toys with the mind like classic works such as Cat People (1942) and Night of the Demon/Curse of the Demon (1957).

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The trailer is so nice and it made anxious to watch this movie. You do have written an excellent review of this movie. And I love to watch horror movie, I will watch it soon. Thanks.
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